Oh the great the joys of reading the lives of the saints, a perfect way for our saints to share their inmost feelings and thoughts...of course! We have just about every type of person in our communion of saints. (see Rev 7:9, St John's heavenly vision of a great multitude...from every nation, race, people, and tongue, First Reading from All Saints Day Mass). I've so enjoyed reading about the lives of St Therese of Lisieux, St Ignatius, the Blessed Virgin Mary and others. God can work through these members of His body, the Church--we participate in the saints holy work when we discover and imitate their holy, love-filled and good ways of living. Alan Schrek in Catholic and Christian: An Explanation of Commonly Misunderstood Catholic Beliefs (2), called it the incarnational principal. For example, our ultimate role model, Jesus, provides us with ways of acting with love and compassion. So when we model these Christ-like behaviors to others, it reflects His life in the world. St. Paul recommended this as well:
1 Cor 11:1 "Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ."
Hebrews 13:7 recommends "remember your leaders,
those who spoke to you the word of God;
Consider the outcome of their life and imitate their faith."
Thus, as we humans model our lives on persons both living on earth and those passed on, through which we are able to bring Christ to others and grow His body. Pope Emeritus Benedict explains it this way:
1 Cor 11:1 "Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ."
Hebrews 13:7 recommends "remember your leaders,
those who spoke to you the word of God;
Consider the outcome of their life and imitate their faith."
Thus, as we humans model our lives on persons both living on earth and those passed on, through which we are able to bring Christ to others and grow His body. Pope Emeritus Benedict explains it this way:
At the General Audiences in the past two years we have been accompanied by the figures of so many saints: we have learned to know them more closely and to understand that the whole of the Church’s history is marked by these men and women who with their faith, with their charity, and with their life have been beacons for so many generations, as they are for us too. The saints expressed in various ways the powerful and transforming presence of the Risen One. They let Jesus so totally overwhelm their life that they could say with St Paul “it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” (Gal 2:20). Following their example, seeking their intercession, entering into communion with them, “brings us closer to Christ, so our companionship with the saints joins us to Christ, from whom as from their fountain and head issue every grace and the life of the People of God itself” (cf. Second Vatican Council, Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium, n. 50 and CCC 957).
For the past year I've immersed myself in reading about St Thérèse of Lisieux, the patroness of my confirmation name, and a wonderful model of holiness is every day life. Several years ago, I paged through her autobiography, Story of a Soul (4), but I didn't appreciate its treasure. Last year in Lent our parish hosted weekly talks based on the book, I Believe in Love, by Father Jean C.J. D'Elbée, and so began my reading frenzy on the Little Thérèse. My very latest reading project on her, The Way of Trust and Love (5), by Father Jaques Philippe, is my absolute favorite! Father Philippe has a most awesome way of explaining St Thérèse, her way of spiritual childhood, and its practical application to daily living. What a treasure, I highly recommend reading this book!
I discovered another beautiful, holy woman with that unfailing reliance and trust in God: Blessed Dina Belanger, a religious sister from Quebec. She writes, "O Jesus, O my heavenly Mother, I know that it is you who are fighting my battles; grant me the grace constantly to be faithful in allowing you freedom of action." (6, pg 256) Not only did Blessed Dina rely on Jesus, she felt him to be her divine substitute and relied on His personal redemption: "Sweet Master, O my divine Substitute. I always rely on your infinite generosity to pay my debts. Not to mention my debts towards God and towards you, I count on your power and your love to repay infinitely my debts toward others." (6, pg 21). Spiritual substitution...a new name for an idea brought to light in the Bible; we find it in these two religious women and in Saint Paul's writings:
Romans 8:32 "He did not spare his own Son but handed him over for us all,
how will he not also give us everything else along with him?"--
Yet the idea is even older as evidenced through out the Psalms,
Ps 37:23-24 Those whose steps are guided by the Lord;
whose way God approves,
whose way God approves,
May stumble, but they will never fall,
for the Lord holds their hand.-- .
for the Lord holds their hand.-- .
Ps 23: 4 Even when I walk through a dark valley,
I fear no harm for you are at my side;
your rod and staff give me courage. --
Ps 28:6-8 Blessed be the Lord,
who has heard the sound of my pleading.
who has heard the sound of my pleading.
The Lord is my strength and my shield,
in whom my heart trusted and found help.
in whom my heart trusted and found help.
...Lord, you are the strength of your people...
But remember Moses confronting the Lord and how his speech had never been eloquent? The Lord responded: Who gives one man speech and makes another deaf and dumb? Or who gives sight to one and makes another blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Go, then! It is I who will assist you in speaking and will teach you what you are to say." Ex 4: 10-12 One could say that God's plan all along involves indwelling us to shape us in His love.
St. Thérèse's little way reconfirms the biblical way of total trust and belief (faith) in God (His mercy and love), and His ability to save us from the mess of our life. Humility means accepting our poverty and weakness, accepting ourselves as we are, with love, knowing we are still beloved by God. It also means living in the moment and not worrying, begging God for grace needed for each challenge we face. Humility also means realizing that every good and beautiful thing in life comes from God, the one source of truth, goodness and beauty. We might also make the next step and live each day with a grateful heart too.
Lastly, I'd be a loud gong if I left out love (1Cor13) for St Thérèse's chosen vocation was love. Her goal in loving was to be like God: bearing each others burdens and faults, not being surprised by their weaknesses and learning from each act of virtue we see them practice. Mother Theresa reminds us, “It's not about how much you do, but how much love you put into what you do that counts.” No one is immune from the ability to show kindness and compassion to another; never should it be "hidden in the bottom of the heart." ( 4,pg 220, C 12r) For when St Thérèse felt charitable, "it is Jesus alone who is actiing in me, and the more united I am to Him, then more also do I love my Sisters." (4, pg 221, C 12v) So, if we can't muster the love from our own will, we can certainly beg God to pour His love into us, be our divine substitute, beg for the grace to love another as He would love.
"The only way I can prove my love is by scattering flowers, and these flowers are every little sacrifice, every glance and word, and doing the least of actions for love." --St Thérèse
Yes, my friends in Christ's wonderful, mystical body, the Communion of Saints, have taught me some of their ways to greater holiness using attitudes of love, humility, gratitude and trust, and total reliance on God's grace. Now I have to work on putting that all into daily use! I'm sure we could change the world if we'd only strive forward on this path of holiness!
Praise be to God for the Communion of Saints
Our role models and teachers in holiness!
Our role models and teachers in holiness!
All you Holy Men and Women pray for us!
Feast of All Saints, 2013
1. Podcast on Communion of Saints: http://radiomaria.us/livingwithmarytoday/feed/podcast, Nov 4, 2011, by Father John Fletcher
2. Catholic and Christian: An Explanation of Commonly Misunderstood Catholic Beliefs, Alan Schrek, Servant Books, 2004
3. From Pope Benedict's General Audience on Wednesday, 13 April 2011
4. Story of a Soul, ICS Publications, 1996
4. Story of a Soul, ICS Publications, 1996
5. The Way of Trust and Love, Father Jaques Philippe, Scepter Publishers, 2011
6. The Autobiography of Dina Belanger, The Religious of Jesus and Mary, 1997
6. The Autobiography of Dina Belanger, The Religious of Jesus and Mary, 1997
A delightful post, Janet!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about that WUNderful book by D'Elbée; it has made it to the "Top 5" of the Best books I have ever read, and led me to a deeper appreciation of St. Thérèse.
Good work, Janet; thank you!