By: Judy Morss
Entrance Antiphon for this Sunday is:
"Blessed be God the Father, and the Only Begotten Son of God, and also the Holy Spirit, for he has shown us his merciful love,"
I: Exodus 34:4b-6, 8-9
Psalm: Daniel 3:52,53,53,55,56a
II: 2 Corinthians 13:11-13
Gospel: John 3:16-18
Frances said this last year, on Trinity Sunday:
"Today is the Sunday of the Most Holy Trinity. The light of Eastertide and of Pentecost renews in us every year the joy and amazement of faith: let us recognize that God is not something vague ..... He is tangible; He is not abstract but has a name: 'God is love.' His is not a sentimental, emotional kind of love but the love of the Father who is the origin of life, the love of the Son who dies on the Cross and is raised, the love of the Spirit who renews human beings and the world."
In Exodus,
God the Father came down to Moses in a cloud; He passed by Moses and cried out:
"The Lord, the Lord, a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger and rich in kindness and fidelity."
In the
Psalms, we acknowledge God as being blessed and respond:
"Glory and praise forever."
tells us again of the three persons in one God with a beautiful blessing.
"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you."
In John's
Gospel, we are reminded again that:
"God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life."
If you
think about it, we are always encircled by the Holy Trinity. We begin our prayers with the sign of the
Cross, saying: "In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit." As I have been reflecting
on the wondrous mystery of the Holy Trinity, I have been thinking about the
relationship I have, or could have with each of the Persons of the Trinity.
God the
Father is our Creator and He is our Father in every sense of the word. Because
of Him, I have my being and have been given a purpose in life. When I think of
how my earthly father cared for me, protected me, consoled me, counseled me, I
come to a deeper understanding of how my Heavenly Father does all these things
for me. He is in love with me and I am
in love with Him.
God's Son became one with me and walks with me on this earth. He has a special
understanding of my humanity, my strengths, my weaknesses. When I cry out to
Him, he understands me and as I long to know Him even better, He comes closer
to me and is my brother and my Savior.
When I stumble, He picks me up and carries me until I can walk again on
His path. When I receive the Eucharist,
He not only inhabits my soul, but my body as well. He is in love with me and I
am in love with Him.
third person, the Holy Spirit, gathers us into the Trinity of God's love. Jesus promised us that we would
not be left as orphans. The gifts given to us by the Holy Spirit help us to
heal our wounds and bring peace to our existence in this amoral world. The freely given gift of wisdom is something
I so cherish. When I sit down to read
the Bible, I ask for insight and to receive whatever should come to me as I
read and ponder the Word of God. When I
am asked to speak or write to a group or blog like this, I always begin by
"talking to the Holy Spirit." He never fails. He is in love with me and I am in love with
Him. "Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in
them the fire of your love."
When I
meditate on the Trinity, I sometimes see myself in the center of a beautiful,
warm circle of love. I am transformed from the mundane life I often lead into a
life filled with hope, love for others (especially those in need) and a burning
fire to draw closer and closer to the perfect union of Three Persons in our One
With love, blessings and a hope that you will also be drawn into this circle of God's everlasting love.
Judy, you have so beautifully explained here how the mystery of the Holy Trinity guides you, forms you and loves you. It is definitely not an easy topic to write about, but you have managed to offer us some wonderful thoughts to ponder. Thanks!