Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Pondering Mary

O Mary, most perfect ponderer and manager
 Of life's suffering and pain,
Show me your key to dealing
 With all loss or gain.
What thoughts you held,
 What psalm you reviewed,
 What helped you most
 To make it through.
You lived poverty, exile and shame, 
 Yet handled stress well.
What did you ponder,
  What prayers did you tell?
 O sweet Mother help me experience this grace,
 So I may have the peace of Jesus
As I run this race!

"My heart was not my own
It belonged to my Son.
I followed his lead
 Until his battle was won.
With Him inside me and beside me,
I lived only for Him.
I loved as I laughed with joy,
Loved as I cried about sin.
My whole life I spent pondering
The greatest love,
A heavenly gift of the Father
From way far above.
Who existed before, forever
And then
Decided to come
To make ransom for men.
One who could pay back
Our debt for all crime,
To wipe our slates clean
Time after time.
With enduring love
And selfless grace,
My Son came to be
And we looked face to face.
My eyes never wavered,
My ears always open,
To whatever He did
And to what was spoken.
My pure focus:  Jesus
My redeemer and Son,
The fruit of my womb,
For everyone.
When God's love is the center
Of all that you do
The rest of your life
Can only be right and true. 
So look on my Jesus,
Invite Him in,
Follow His ways
And you will win."

Poem by Janet Goodwin
on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful poem and meditation Janet! You have a listening heart, much like out Blessed Mother!


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