Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Day is Here!

All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord; All the families of nations will bow low before him. For kingship belongs to the Lord, the ruler over nations. All who sleep in the earth will bow low before God; All who have gone down into the dust will kneel in homage. And I will live for the Lord; my descendants will serve you. The generation to will be told of the Lord, that they may proclaim to a people yet unborn the deliverance you have brought.Psalm 22:28-32
Election day is here!  Don't forget to bring you faith with you to the polls! Please remember the vital importance of religious liberty which is seriously threatened!  I have included some links in this post that may be of interest to you as we prepare to go to the polls tomorrow.

A message from Archbishop Lucas

Public Witness and Catholic Citizenship, by Archbishop Chaput

Video of Religious Liberty by Archbishop Lori (there are many good videos in this link, so check them out!)

USCCB page on religious freedom

USCCB's First American Freedom

Democracy and the Gospel of Christ  by, William Doino Jr. First Things blog: On The Square

And finally a YouTube link to an short video on what is at stake in this election:

Jesus is our Lord and our King!  Above all else, it is in Him alone in whom we place our trust for our final hope, there is no elected official who can usher in the Kingdom of Heaven; that can only be accomplished through Him!

May God's grace and peace accompany you to the polling places today!


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