Sunday, November 13, 2011


Sunday, November 13, 2011


I heard a remarkable homily this morning that was particularly moving. Father spoke about how the things we do in our lives each day—the ordinary, everyday things—can, if united with the Sacrifice of Jesus, save souls. It is not only our sufferings united with the Sacrifice of Jesus that can be redemptive, but also, the routine happenings that occur as we go about our daily lives. These are some of the insights I got from his words.

The gospel (Mt 25:14-30) referred to the parable of the talents which showed that it is possible for one to lose his soul. Nevertheless, the act of redemption is ongoing and we have the opportunity to be a part of this redemptive act.

Since Jesus is “out of time,” that is, not within the limits of time, that He takes all our offerings, and applies them to souls for their salvation. Since He is not within the confines of time, Jesus takes our offerings to save even a soul that died “400 years ago"or, perhaps, a soul that is in need of being saved centuries in the future. Mothers who scramble to get the kids out the door and to school in the morning, who endlessly do laundry, fix meals, help with homework, clean the home, comfort a child, and, on top of that, get themselves out the door to their “other job!” Fathers going to their work places and confronting the stress that comes with ongoing problems at work, just getting to work in traffic, sacrificing mowing the lawn instead of watching a football game (maybe!)—all can be done in the spirit of an offering in union with Christ’s sacrifice. For that matter, everything we do each and every day from brushing our teeth in the morning to kicking off that second shoe before bed at night can be offered to Jesus for the salvation of souls. Children and youth can do their duties and obey their parents without grumbling, while offering it all to Jesus with love. Even their homework, their sports activities and their play time can be beneficial in saving souls if done as an offering to Jesus.

Mass is the central axis of the world. All the world revolves around the altar of Sacrifice where, at each Mass Calvary is brought into the present. When we are present at Mass, we are, in effect, “outside of time” and participating in the Sacrifice of Calvary. The meaning of Mass is mission. It is the mission of Jesus to save souls. When we unite ourselves with His Sacrifice and receive him in the Eucharist, we are to go out to the world and” give ‘em heaven!” We are to do our part in saving souls by living our lives—all that we do, everyday—in union with the Sacrifice and sufferings of Jesus.

In forming the habit of doing all for Jesus, we become acutely aware during the day that He is with us, in us and ever so close to us. An intimacy develops that helps us to “pray without ceasing” as Paul reminds us in 1 Thessalonians. This prayer does not have to be an action, but by loving Jesus with our whole hearts and doing all for Him, can truly be an ongoing prayer, not only of love, but also, of redemption.

Morning Offering:
O Jesus,
through the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I offer You my prayers, works,
joys and sufferings
of this day for all the intentions
of Your Sacred Heart,
in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
throughout the world,
in reparation for my sins,
for the intentions of all my relatives and friends,
and in particular
for the intentions of the Holy Father

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