reflection on Luke 19:1-10)
by: Deacon Paul
I have no statistics on this, but I
suspect that there are a LOT of folks
out there who are convinced that if they just "believe" in Jesus,
then they are Saved. But those same folks
don't stop with just that thought. They are convinced
that they need to do absolutely nothing more; their part is finished, and the
rest is up to God. Of course, these
fundamentalists will cite scripture verses such as John 3:16, which speak of
believing and the salvation that follows.

Back to our story: notice what
Zacchaeus does. He takes action to
"see" Jesus! He runs ahead of
everyone ("waddles," in my
imagination), and with effort climbs up a sycamore tree–not really too
difficult, since the branches of the desert variety are fairly low.
Now notice what Jesus does. He sees Zacchaeus, and invites himself to dine with him!
That must have stunned the crowd following Jesus through the town. Now I am going to take that giant leap to our
own day, so hang in there... J
The key to today's gospel is to
recognize that Jesus always responds
to our little efforts to make contact with him!
We all have our "Zacchaeus moments" such as going to Mass on
Sundays to adore our Lord. Mass is our
"tree." We all need a tree! One of
my own "trees" is the Bible.
If I did not take quality time every morning to read and meditate on the
scripture passages used in the day's daily Mass, I would have a frustrating
day. I personally need this contact, because
I need to hear Jesus talk to me; I need to hear him "invite himself"
into my life–just because I chose to do
something to enable that Jesus to see the welcome mat I have placed at the
door of my heart.
What is your own
"tree"? Remember, we all need
one! How do you make Jesus feel that he
is welcome? Perhaps it is simple vocal
prayer for you, both praise and thanksgiving.
Perhaps you pray a rosary, meditating on gospel scenes from the life of
Christ. Perhaps you just sit silently in
his presence, just "being with" him in silent adoration, either in
your "prayer chair" at home or in a church or chapel. Whatever it is, it is your "tree"
and you must water it frequently (i.e.,
use it) to keep it flourishing on your desert journey.
Remember, we meet Jesus in the
ordinary events of our lives. We do not
need to look for the spectacular to find him.
He will meet us anywhere we like,
if we are just welcoming. So my advice today is this: Go Climb Your Tree!
- Deacon Paul Rooney